MARK ANDRYCZYK is the administrator of the Ukrainian Studies Program at the Harriman Institute, Columbia University and lecturer in Ukrainian literature at the Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures at Columbia, where he teaches courses on Ukrainian literature and culture. He holds a PhD in Ukrainian Literature from the University of Toronto (2005). Andryczyk’s monograph The Intellectual as Hero in 1990s Ukrainian Fiction was published by the University of Toronto Press in 2012.
A Ukrainian edition of that monograph, Intelektual iak heroi ukrainskoï prozy 90-kh rokiv XX stolittia was published by Piramida in 2014. Since 2007, Andryczyk has organized the Contemporary Ukrainian Literature Series (cosponsored by the Harriman and Kennan Institutes), which has brought leading Ukrainian literary figures to audiences in North America. He is an active translator of contemporary Ukrainian literature into English, having translated, among others, H. Chubai, O. Lysheha, S. Zhadan, Yu. Andrukhovych, V. Neborak, K. Moskalets, T. Prokhasko, M. Savka, A. Bondar, I. Malkovych, Yu. Pokalchuk, I. Rymaruk, V. Gabor, D. Lazutkin, O. Boichenko, and S. Andrukhovych. Andryczyk has translated eleven essays that will be included in the forthcoming collection of Yuri Andrukhovych’s essays in English translation My Final Territory: Selected Essays (University of Toronto Press). Under the name Yeezhak, he has recorded three studio albums in Ukraine (1996, 1998, 2006) and has performed a series of concerts in support of these recordings.