VASYL GABOR was born on December, 10 1959 in Transcarpathia, in the village of Oleksandrivka (previously Shandrovo), Khust raion. He is currently Head of the Foreign Periodicals Research Department at the Scientific Periodicals Research Centre of the Lviv Vasyl Stefanyk National Scientific Library. In 1997, Gabor defended his PhD thesis and also became a member of the Ukrainian Writers’ Association. He has been awarded the Kurylas Family Prize (1994) and the Lesya and Petro Kovalev Literary Prize (2006).
Gabor currently lives in Lviv, and is well known in Ukraine as an original short story writer. He has also compiled the widely recognized anthologies Pryvatna koleksiia: vybrana ukraïnska proza ta eseïstyka kintsia XX stolittia (A Private Collection: Selected Ukrainian Prose and Essays of the End of the 20th Century, 2002); Neznaioma: antolohiia ukraïnskoï ‘zhinochoï’ prozy ta eseïstyky druhoï pol. XX – poch. XXI st. (The Unknown Woman: An Anthology of Ukrainian ‘Female’ Prose and Essays of the Second Half of the 20th and the Beginning of the 21st Century, 2005); Dvanadtsiatka: Naimolodsha lvivska literaturna bohema 30-kh rokiv XX stolittia: Antolohiia urbanistychnoï prozy (The Twelve: The Youngest Lviv Literary Bohemians of the 1930s: An Anthology of Urban Prose, 2006); Bu-Ba-Bu (Yurii Andrukhovych, Oleksandr Irvanets, Viktor Neborak): Vybrani tvory: Poeziia, proza, eseïstyka (Bu-Ba-Bu [Yurii Andrukhovych, Oleksandr Irvanets, Viktor Neborak]: Selected Works: Poetry, Prose, Essays, 2007); Ukraïnski literaturni shkoly ta hrupy 60-90-x pp. XX st.: Antolohiia vybranoï poeziï ta eseïstyky (Ukrainian Literary Schools and Groups of the 1960-90s: An Anthology of Poetry and Essays, 2009) and others, issued under the auspices of the Pryvatna koleksiia (Private Collection) modern literature publishing project by Lviv’s Pyramid Literary Agency.
Vasyl Gabor is the author of a collection of short stories entitled Knyha ekzotychnykh sniv ta realnykh podii (A Book of Exotic Dreams and Real Events, 1999; 2nd ed. 2003, 3rd ed. 2009) and a collection of writing entitled Pro shcho dumaie liudyna (And That Which People Are Thinking, 2012).
He is one of the authors of the book Chetvero za stolom (Four at the Table: Anthology of Four Friends, 2004), and is also the author of the essays and literary investigations found in Vid Dzhoisa do Chubaia (From Joyce to Chubai, 2010), the historical and bibliographical research project Ukraïnski chasopysy Uzhhoroda (1867-1944) (Ukrainian Periodicals in Uzhhorod [1867 – 1944]], 2003), a brief summary of the life and the work of Ivan Kolos entitled Ivan Kolos—Poet Karpatskoï Ukraïny (Ivan Kolos—Poet of Carpathian Ukraine, 2010), and of a local history essay entitled Moie Shandrovo (My Shandrovo, 2003). In 2000 Gabor re-issued the previously self-published literary journal Skrynia (The Chest, 1971). In 2007, he compiled the biographical and bibliographic reference Dariia Vikonska (1893—1945).
Several short stories by Gabor have been translated into English, German, Serbian, Slovak, Croatian, Czech, Japanese, and Bulgarian.
Vasyl Gabor’s event in the Contemporary Ukrainian Literature Series, entitled And That Which People Are Thinking, took place in November 2012.